Engine Management
Engine Management in Hythe - B & D Specialist Cars
What should I do if my car’s engine management light comes on?
What you should do will depend on the colour of the light that comes on:
You need to stop driving straight away and get in touch with B & D Specialist Cars. When the red light is illuminated, it generally means that there’s a serious issue and that continuing to drive could be dangerous and ultimately result in very expensive repairs.
It does indicate an issue, but it could be something simple that you can resolve yourself such as topping up the engine oil or checking the tyre pressure. A yellow or orange engine management can also indicate something that can only be dealt with by someone with expert knowledge such as the team at B & D Specialist Cars so don’t hesitate to get in touch with any concerns that you have. Even if it does seem to be something very simple, we’re more than happy to have a look to help you out and reassure you.
We have advanced diagnostic software at our workshop in Hythe and the expertise and experience to get to the source of any issues that are causing the engine management light to come on in your vehicle, and get them resolved for you quickly and safely.
As a leading independent garage in Hythe, B & D Specialist Cars are committed to providing outstanding workmanship, value for money and exceptional customer service, and proud to be approved by the DVSA, IGA, and RMI. We are also pleased to be members of the nationwide Trust My Garage network of quality independent garages.
To find out more about Engine Management in Hythe, contact us online or call us directly on 01303 264700
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Tuesday | 08:00 - 17:30 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 17:30 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 17:30 |
Friday | 08:00 - 17:30 |
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